Monday, February 22, 2010

I need to get a hobby

Tomorrow is the big fundraising bake sale that I'm once again in charge of.
Because I have no life outside of my home and I'm an antisocial hermit baking is my thing. It's what I love to do and I think I do a rather kick ass job at it...

Having said that I always feel the need to shoulder the bulk of the items for the sales. It's a point of personal pride that we make this sale a success and that means we need a table full of nummy goodies.

I woke up not feeling quite right today after not sleeping much last night.
At boot camp I got lightheaded and a little dizzy but pushed through it. After class I walked to the post office and felt like a lead balloon. It took me forever to get there and back.

I shrugged it off and came home and baked. Three different kinds of mini cupcakes, pancake batter cupcakes, Lemon Squares, I dipped Twinkies in chocolate, I dunked Oreos in chocolate and sprinkles, I made S'Mores on sticks, I made mini apple pies and Easter Peeps went for a swim in melted milk chocolate and through it all I've had a massive raging headache.

I can't get rid of it. I've tried Motrin, Asprin, Caffeine, cold packs, a nap, dinner, and I can't shake it.

I'm going to bed now and will set my alarm early to get up and frost all the cupcakes. Hopefully without a headache...

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