Thursday, April 1, 2010

Autism Awarness Day

April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day worldwide.
Tonight to kick the celebration off the Empire State Building along with a whole lotta other prominent buildings will be proudly wearing blue lights. Blue is the official color of Autism Speaks.
While I wish with all of my heart and soul that we had no Autism and that my life wasn't as impacted by the disorder as it is, to know that I'm a part of supporting and helping such a great organization like Autism Speaks makes me feel super good.
I'll be walking up to Sinatra Drive here in Hoboken tonight to take a bunch of photos of the Empire State Building.
Go here for more information on the event

Editing this post to show you photos that I took of the Empire State Building. Of course just as I was turning around to walk home I get a call that someone in my home is throwing up. It's the little Lion poor thing. Fingers crossed he feels better.
Here are the photos I got to take though.

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